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Join us on Sunday, December 7 for the 16th annual Hover Craft, Milwaukee’s favorite holiday maker market.
Hover Craft is located in the beautiful and historic Pritzlaff Building. It's centrally located near downtown Milwaukee and the beautiful 3rd Ward Neighborhood.

You'll find emerging and established vendors when you come shop.

Many of our vendors have been making things for many years, which means the quality of their work is unmatched.

Many of our vendors are new so you might discover something amazing and unexpected.

A lot of our vendors only sell at Hover Craft, which means you'll come across unique things you won't find at other craft fairs.

Everyone who is a vendor makes the work they are selling.

We are proud to offer a range of bites, snacks, and drinks at the event. Colectivo Coffee will be serving up the best coffee in town. The Pritzlaff bar will be open for sodas, beers, and bloody mary's. There will be a selection of food vendors throughout the event for shoppers to grab a bite.

Some makers offer custom work on the spot, so you can purchase the perfect piece or experience their craft first hand.

We have over 120 artists, crafters, makers, and creatives of all sorts selling unique items for you to browse.

Hover Craft is a busy place, but to manage the crowd and make the shopping experience as pleasant as possible, we sell timed tickets for people to come to shop.

Each year, Hover Craft invites many new vendors to join in, so every shopper will find new things to check out - even if they come year after year.

Where you can find perfectly unique and high quality handmade gifts for everyone on your list - while you support local creatives and strengthen our local economy.

Join us on Sunday, December 4!
To make Hover Craft fresh and unique every year, we look for artists, crafters, designers, and makers all year long. We also look for shoppers who like to support our cause. Which are you? Come and sign up and we can stay connected with updates as we get closer to the event.
Interested in being a vendor?
Hover Craft is interested in attracting the most diverse and eclectic makers from Milwaukee and beyond to fill our event. Are you interested in joining us next year? Applications will be live August 1 - 31. Sign up to receive an email when applications are available. We want to see what you are making!
About us:
Hover Craft is produced to support established and emerging artists, crafters, designers, and makers by providing an impermanent brick-and-mortar space to showcase the talent and creativity that exists within our own communities.
We strongly believe hosting an in-person event where the creative community can come together strengthens our bonds and leads to a more eclectic, interesting, and dynamic group of makers. By hosting this shopping event, we ask our fans to support this community by spending money. Nothing says ‘Keep going, I believe in you!’ more than giving a compliment, asking a thoughtful question, or purchasing directly from the maker.
Join in to keep our creative community thriving.
Interested in vending? Interested in getting your ticket early? Sign up for our emails above to stay connected. We will keep you in the loop when ways to participate are live.