
Calling all Brick and Mortar SHOPS: locally-owned, handmade-loving shops.

We had a pretty good thing going when we decided to open up Hover Craft to include your shops too. We loved being able to connect our shoppers to your brick and mortar stores and we also loved spotlighting you on Shop Small Saturday. Let’s keep it going! Even though Hover Craft is changing this year, we’d still love to be a resource for shoppers to find you.

Simply fill out the Hover Craft Shop Form and we will list your location and let people know what to expect. On the Hover Craft Maker Form, we asked makers to list local shops that carried their products. We are hoping to get you double coverage.

Just a quick note - it is completely free to participate. All are welcome. Just follow the links below.

We want 2020 to be your most successful year yet.


Makers, sign up here!

Stay connected to us. We will send only the best opportunities your way.